Account Info changed.~Do you want to save it?=Hesap Ayarlar² De≡i■ti.~Kaydetmek ister misiniz?
Add Account=Hesap Ekle
Add Row=Sat²r Ekle
Add Rule for mail from Sender=▌leti iτin g÷nderen ile ilgili kural ekle
Add Rule for mail with Subject=▌leti iτin konu ile ilgili kural ekle
Add Rule to Delete all mail from Sender=Belli bir g÷nderenden gelen tⁿm iletileri silecek kural ekle
Add Rule to delete Mail from Sender=Belli bir g÷nderenden gelen iletiyi silecek kural ekle
Add Rule to Delete mail with Subject=Belli bir konusu olan iletiyi silecek kural ekle
Add Rule to mark messages from Sender as Spam=Belli bir g÷nderenden gelecekleri SPAM olarak i■aretleyecek kural ekle
Add Rule to mark messages with Subject as Spam=Belli bir konusu olan iletiyi SPAM olarak i■aretleyecek kural ekle
Add Rule=Kural Ekle
Add sender to Black List=G÷ndereni Kara Listeye ekle
Add sender to White List=G÷ndereni Beyaz Listeye ekle
Added to the White List:=Beyaz listeye eklendi
Advanced Options=Geli■mi■ Seτenekler
Advanced Show Info=Geli■mi■ Bilgi G÷ster
All Accounts=Tⁿm Hesaplar
All Files=Tⁿm Dosyalar
ALL Rows=Tⁿm sat²rlar
Already Connected=Zaten Ba≡l²
Animate the Tray Icon when you receive new mail.~This will produce a flashing indicator instead of the normal static one.=▌leti al²n²rken tepsi simgesini oynat.~Bu normal sabit simgenin tersine yan²p s÷nen bir i■aret verecek.
Animated Star=D÷nen y²ld²z
Animated Tray Icon=Tepsi simgesini oynat
Any mail received from the following e-mail addresses~will automatically be deleted.=▐u e-posta adreslerinden gelecek iletiler~otomatik olarak silinecek.
ANY Row=Herhangi sat²r
Are you sure?=Emin misiniz?
Ask for confirmation before deleting any e-mails.~This only works for the Delete button. Deleting messages~using rules will not ask for confirmation.=▌leti silmeden ÷nce onay iste.~Bu sadece Sil dⁿ≡mesi iτindir.~Kurallar ile silerken onay istenmez.
AutoCheck disabled=Otomatik Denetle Kapal²
AutoCheck Enabled=Otomatik Denetle Aτ²k
AutoCheck only while Minimized=Sadece tepside otomatik denetle
Because of the Security Risk, PopTray doesn't allow the opening of Executable files.=Gⁿvenlik sebebiyle PopTray, τal²■t²r²labilir dosyalar²n aτ²lmas²na izin vermez.
Black List mark as Spam=Kara Listedekiler SPAM olarak i■aretlensin
Black List will mark the messages as Spam~instead of deleting them.=Kara Liste belirlenen iletileri silmek yerine SPAM olarak i■aretler.
Black List=Kara Liste
Cannot delete last Account=Son hesap silinemiyor
Caption Options=Etiket Seτenekleri
Check All=Hepsini Denetle
Check and Info=Denetle ve Bilgi Ver
Check and Show=Denetle ve G÷ster
Check current account for New Mail=Mevcut hesab iτin yeni ileti denetle
Check First Account=▌lk hesab² denetle
Check for Mail=▌leti Denetle
Check for new mail every =Yeni ▌leti Denetleme Aral²≡²
Check for New Mail on Startup=Ba■lang²τta yeni ileti denetlemesi yap
Check if On-Line=Ba≡l²ysa denetle
Check on-line if newer version available.=Yeni sⁿrⁿmⁿ internetten denetle
Connect Error:=Ba≡lant² Hatas²:
Connection Info=Ba≡lant² Seτene≡i
Connection TimeOut:=Ba≡lant² zamana■²m²
Contact Info=▌rtibat Bilgisi
Default e-mail program to open.=Aτ²lacak varsay²lan e-posta program².
Default sound to play when new mail arrives.=Yeni ileti al²nd²≡²nda τal²nacak varsay²lan ses.
Default sound:=Varsay²lan Ses:
Del Spam=SPAM sil
Delay in minutes to wait between mail check intervals.~Set it to 0 to never automatically check.=Dakika cinsinden ileti denetiminde kullan²lacak aral²k~uzunlu≡u. 0 yapmak otoamtik denetlemeyi kapat²r.
Delay on a SingleClick to wait and see if a DoubleClick is coming.=Tek t²klamadan sonra ikinci t²klama iτin bekle.
Delete Account:=Silinecek Hesap:
Delete Account=Hesap sil
Delete Button only available when using Safe Delete option=Sil dⁿ≡mesi sadece gⁿvenli sil seτene≡ini kullan²rken olsun
Delete current message=Mevcut iletiyi sil
Delete Error:=Silme Hatas²:
Delete from server=Sunucudan sil
Delete Mail only on Next Check=Sadece bir sonraki denetlemede ileti sil
Delete Message from Server?=▌leti sunucudan silinsin mi?
Delete Messages from Server?=▌letiler sunucudan silinsin mi?
Delete messages marked as Spam=SPAM olarak i■aretlenen iletileri sil
Delete Row=Sat²r Sil
Delete Rule:=Silinecek Kural:
Delete Rule=Kural Sil
Delete Spam from Server?=SPAM sunucudan silinsin mi?
Delete Spam=SPAM sil
Delete this message from server=Bu iletiyi sunucudan sil
Deletion Confirmation=Silmek iτin onay
Disable AutoChecking between the hours specified.~This is useful when you do not want noisy notifications~during the night.=Belirtilen saatler aras²nda otomatik denetlemeyi kapat.~Geτ saatlerde gⁿrⁿltⁿlⁿ uyar²lar istenmemesi durumunda faydal²d²r.
Display the tabs for the different accounts in~multiple lines instead of one scrolling line.=Hesap sekmelerini ayn² sat²rda kayd²rmak yerine~farkl² sat²rlarda g÷rⁿntⁿler.
Do not run the AutoCheck timer event while viewing the PopTray Window.~This is useful to prevent an AutoCheck from happening~while you are manually checking for mail.=PopTray penceresi aτ²kken otomatik denetleme sayac²n² τal²■t²rma.~Bu pencere aτ²kken yapt²≡²n²z denetlemenin ard²ndan tekrar otomatik denetleme yap²lmas²n² ÷nler.
Don't Check between=▐u arada denetleme
Double Click delay on Click=T²klamada τift t²klama gecikmesi
Double Click:=╟ift T²kla
Drag to Create Separators=Ay²raτ yaratmak iτin sⁿrⁿkle
E-Mail Program:=E-Posta Program²:
Enable Quick Checking=H²zl² denetleme aτ²k
EXE files=EXE dosyas²
Execute File=Dosya ╟al²■t²r
Extra Confirmation when Deleting Protected Messages=Korumal² iletileri silerken fazladan onay iste
Extra confirmation when you try to delete messages~protected by rules or the WhiteList.=Kurallar veya BeyazListe taraf²ndan korumaya al²nan iletileri~silmeye τal²■²rken fazladan onay sorulur.
Failed to Save Attachment.=Ek kaydedilemedi.
First check if you are on-line before checking for e-mail.~Used by dial-up users who don't want the dial-up dialog ~to pop-up when you are not connected.~Makes checking a little bit slower.=Denetlemeden ÷nce ba≡l² olup olmad²≡²na bak.~╟evirmeli a≡ ile ba≡lanan kullan²c²lar²n ba≡l² de≡ilken ba≡lant² yap²lmamas²~iτin kullan²l²r. Denetleme biraz yava■ olur.
New message using default mail client=Varsay²lan program² kullanarak yeni ileti olu■tur
New Message=Yeni ▌leti
New Messages Only=Sadece Yeni ▌letiler
No E-Mail Client specified=E-posta program² tan²ml² de≡il
No message selected.=Hiτ ileti seτilmemi■
No new mail=Yeni ileti yok
No protocol defined for account=Hesap iτin protokol belirtilmeim■
No rule selected=Hiτ kural seτilmemi■
No Sort=S²ralama Yok
Not On-Line=Hatta De≡il
NOT Supported=Desteklenmeyen
Nothing=Hiτbir ■ey
Number of message lines to preview.=╓nizlenecek ileti sat²r² say²s².
Number of messages marked as Spam:=SPAM olarak i■aretlenen ileti say²s²
Number of seconds to display the Info window~before closing it.=Kapat²lmadan ÷nce bilgi penceresinin saniye~cinsinden g÷sterilme sⁿresi.
Number of seconds to wait during connection~before giving an error.=Ba≡lant² s²ras²nda hata vermeden beklenecek~zaman, saniye cinsinden.
Number of selected messages:=Seτili ileti say²s²:
Once a message has been viewed, don't show it again.=▌leti bir kere g÷rⁿldⁿkten sonra tekrar g÷sterme.
Only download if size less than=Boyut sadece belirtilen (byte) miktardan kⁿτⁿkse al
Options ...=Seτenekler...
Password Protect=Parola korumal²
Play Sound=Farkl² wav τal
Please enter the password to open Poptray=PopTray'i aτmak iτin parolay² girin lⁿtfen
Plug-in Error:=Eklenti Hatas²:
Plug-in Options...=Eklenti Seτenekleri
Pop-Up Menu=Aτ²l²r Menⁿ
PopTray will startup in minimized state.~Thus the window will be hidden and only the trayicon~will be visible.=PopTray ba■lang²τta tepside ba■lar.~Yani pencere gizli, sadece sistem tepsisi simgesi~g÷rⁿnⁿr olacakt²r.
Portuguese (Brazil)=Portekizce (Brezilya)
Preview the Message=▌leti ╓nzleme
Preview Top Lines=▄st sat²rlar² ÷nizle
Protect against auto-delete=Otomatik silmeye kar■² koru
Quick Checked:=H²zl² Denetlenen:
Quick Checking and Safe Delete (UIDL):=H²zl² denetle ve gⁿvenli sil (UIDL):
Quick Help=╟abuk yard²m
Raw Message=Ham ▌leti
Read Only=Sadece Okunabilir
Refresh the list of languages=Diller listesini tazele
Remember which messages on the server has already been viewed~even after closing PopTray.=Sunucu ⁿzerinde hangi iletilerin okundu≡unu PopTray kapat²ld²ktan sonra~bile hat²rlanmas²n² sa≡la.
Reply using default mail client=Varsay²lan program² kullanarak cevapla
Requires that you enter the specified password to open PopTray.=PopTray'i aτmak iτin belirtti≡iniz parolan²n girilmesini ister.
Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing=Tepsideki ileti say²s²n² g÷rⁿntⁿledikten sonra s²f²rla
Reset the Tray Icon message count when you view the PopTray~window. When new mail arrives only the new count since last ~view will be shown.=Pencereyi aτt²ktan sonra tepsi simgesinde ileti say²s²n²~s²f²rla. Yeni ileti say²s² pencerenin son g÷rⁿntⁿlenmesinden sonra~gelen ileti say²d²r.
Retrieve Body while Checking=Denetleme s²ras²nda ileti g÷vdesini de al
Retrieve complete message while checking,~if message smaller than specified size.=Denetleme s²ras²nda boyutu belirlenenden~kⁿτⁿk iletiler iτin tⁿm iτeri≡i al.
Retrieve Error:=Al²m Hatas²:
Right Click:=Sa≡ T²k
Rotate Icon for each Account=Simgeyi her hesap iτin d÷ndⁿr
Rotate Icon to show messages in each account=Simgeyi her hesab²n iletilerini g÷stermek iτin d÷ndⁿr
Rules ...=Kurallar...
Run E-Mail Client=E-posta Program² ╟al²■t²r
Safe Delete (using UIDL)=Gⁿvenli sil (UIDL kullanarak)
Save Account=Hesab² Kaydet
Save All Attachments...=Tⁿm Ekleri Kaydet...
Save Options=Seτenek Kaydet
Save Rules=Kurallar² Kaydet
Select All=Hepsini seτ
Select Font...=Yaz² tipi seτ
Select Spam Messages=SPAM iletileri seτ
Select the option screen to show.=G÷rⁿntⁿlenecek seτenekler sayfas²n² seτ.
Shift Left Click:=Shift + Sol t²k
Shift Middle Click:=Shift + Orta t²k
Shift Right Click:=Shift + Sa≡ t²k
Show Info Balloon or Advanced Info when new mail arrives.=Yeni ileti geldi≡inde balon bilgisi veya ayr²nt²l² bilgi g÷ster.
Show Info dialog with message details and buttons.=Bilgi diyalo≡unu ileti ayr²nt²lar² ve dⁿ≡melerle g÷ster.
Show Info=Bilgi G÷ster
Show Messages ...=▌letileri G÷ster...
Show Messages while Checking=Denetlerken ▌letileri G÷ster
Show Messages=▌letileri G÷ster
Show shortcut keys in tips=▌puτlar²nda k²sayol tu■lar²n² g÷ster
Show the PopTray window always on top of other windows.=PopTray penceresini her zaman di≡er pencerelerin ⁿzerinde g÷rⁿntⁿle.
Show the PopTray window when new mail arrives.=Yeni ileti geldi≡inde PopTray penceresini g÷rⁿntⁿle.
Show tips on toolbars=Araττubu≡unda ipuτlar² g÷ster
Show Window on Notification=Haber vermek iτin pencereyi g÷ster
Specify a different timer interval for each account.~Set the intervals on the Accounts tab.=Her hesap iτin farkl² denetleme aral²≡² belirt.~Aral²klar² hesap sekmelerinde belirle.
Start Minimized=Kⁿτⁿltⁿlmⁿ■ ba■la
Stay on Top=▄stte kal
Still busy checking=Hala denetlemekle me■gul
Stop and disconnect.=Dur ve ba≡lant²y² kes.
Stop Checking=Denetlemeyi durdur
Support Forum:=Destek forumu:
Suspend Sound=Sesi kes
System-wide hot-key to execute selected action.=Seτilen i■levler iτin sistem genelinde k²sayol.
Test Account=Hesab² dene
Test the Reg Expr syntax=Dⁿzenli ▌fade yaz²l²m²n² dene
Test the sound file=Ses dosyas²n² dene
Test to run the e-mail program=E-posta program²n² denemek iτin τal²■t²r
Thanks to the following volunteers who helped with the translation:=╟evirilerden dolay² a■a≡²daki g÷nⁿllⁿlere te■ekkⁿrler:
The X close button in the top right-hand corner will minimize~PopTray instead of closing it.~To close use the "Quit" button.=Sa≡ ⁿstteki X dⁿ≡mesi kapatmak yerine simge durumuna kⁿτⁿltⁿr.~Kapatmak iτin "Kapat" komutunu verin.
This lists all the plugin DLLs found in your plugins directory.~Select to load/unload. Right-click for options.=Bu, plugins klas÷rⁿndeki tⁿm eklendi DLL'elrini listeler.~Yⁿklemek/kald²rmak iτin seτin. Seτenekler iτin sa≡ t²klay²n.
This will add the following e-mails to the Black List:=▐u e-postalar Kara Listeye ekleniyor:
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails from=Bu i■lem gelecekte ■u g÷ndericiden gelen tⁿm iletileri silecek bir kural yaratacak
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails from=Bu i■lem ■u g÷nderenden gelen tⁿm iletileri SPAM olarak i■aretleyecek
This will delete all these messages.=Bu i■lem gelecek tⁿm iletileri silecek
This will delete all these selected messages.=Bu i■lem seτili tⁿm iletileri silecektir.
Timer Interval per Account=Her hesap iτin ba≡²ms²z aral²k sⁿresi
To add actions to your application simply drag and drop from either Categories or Actions onto an existing ActionBar.=Uygulaman²za i■lemler eklemek iτin di≡er S²n²flar ve ▌■lemlerden mevcut i■lemτubu≡una i■lemler sⁿrⁿkleyip b²rak²n.
To Be Deleted=Silinecek
To Tray=Tepsiye
Toggle AutoCheck=Otomatik Denetle aτ/kapa
Toggle Message Window=▌leti Penceresi aτ/kapa
Toggle Sound=Sesi aτ/kapa
Toolbar Options=Araττubu≡u Seτenekleri
Tray Color=Tepsi rengi
TrayIcon while Checking=Denetlerken Tepsi Simgesi
Try to mix the colors when e-mail arrives in multiple accounts.~Windows only allows 16 colors in the tray, so mixing will not~always give the correct color.=Birden τok hesaba e-posta geldi≡inde tepsi renklerini kar²■t²r.~Windows sadece 16 renge izin verdi≡inden bu herzaman~beklenen sonucu vermeyebilir.
Unable to Copy file.=Dosya kopyalanamad²
Unable to Retrieve Message=▌leti Al²namad²
Undelete=Sime geri al
Undo=Geri Al
Unknown Attachment Type.=Bilinmeyen Ek Tⁿrⁿ
Unmark as Spam=SPAM i■aretini kald²r
Unviewed messages will be shown in Bold.=Okunmam²■ iletiler kal²n olarak g÷rⁿlⁿr.
Use MAPI=MAPI kullan
Use the POP3 UIDL command to check that message is still the same~before deleting it.=Silmeden iletinin hala ayn² olup olmad²≡²n² denetlemek iτin POP3 UIDL~komutunu kullan.
Use the POP3 UIDL command to quickly check if the mail on the server has changed.=Sunucu ⁿzerindeki iletinin de≡i■ti≡ini g÷rmek iτin POP3 UIDL komutunu kullan.
Use the Simple MAPI interface of you e-mail client,~instead of using a "mailto:" link for replies and new messages.=E-mail arayⁿzⁿnde cevaplama ve yeni iletilerde~"mailto:" ba≡lant²s² yerine basit MAPI arayⁿzⁿ kullan.
User Aborted.=Kullan²c² Sonland²rd².
User Interface=Kullan²c² Arayⁿzⁿ
WARNING: This account does NOT support Safe Delete.=UYARI: Bu hesap gⁿvenli silme i■lemini desteklemiyor.
WAV files=WAV dosyas²
What to show on the TrayIcon~while checking for new mail.=▌leti denetlemesi yaparken~tepsi simgesi olarak ne g÷sterilsin.
When a connect error occurs, PopTray will display an error message.~If this option is enabled, the error message will only be displayed in the status bar and Tray Hint.=Bir ba≡lant² hatas² oldu≡unda PopTray hata mesaj² g÷rⁿntⁿler.~E≡er bu seτenek aτ²ksa, hata mesaj² sadece durum τubu≡unda ve tepside i■aret olarak verilir.
When deleting mail they will get marked for deletion~and only physically deleted when the next check runs.=▌letiler silinmek ⁿzere i■aretlenir ve sadece bir sonraki~denetlemede gerτekten silinir.
When previewing a message with MIME parts~PopTray will decode the MIME message, show the ~first part in the preview and the rest as attachments.~When unselected, preview will show the RAW message.=MIME parτal² iletilerin ÷nizlemesinde~PopTray MIME ■ifresini τ÷zer, ilk k²sm²n² ÷nizlemede,~gerisini ek olarak g÷sterir. Bu seτenek kapal²ysa~bⁿtⁿn iτerik ham olarak g÷rⁿntⁿlenir.
When previewing a message, only load the~specified number of lines.=Bir iletiyi ÷nizlerken sadece belirlenen~say²da sat²r yⁿkle.
When starting PopTray, first wait a few seconds~before checking for mail.=PopTray'i ba■lat²rken, yeni ileti denetlemeden ÷nce birkaτ saniye bekle.
When you receive mail from the following list of e-mail addresses,~the messages won't be deleted by rules.=A■a≡²daki e-posta adreslerinden ileti al²n²nca kurallar taraf²ndan~silinmesin.
While checking for new mail, also retrieve the message body.~This will slow down checking, but if gives you the option to check~the body contents in the rules.=▌leti denetlemesi yaparken, ileti g÷vdesini de al.~Bu ileti al²m²n² yava■lat²r, ancak g÷vdeye g÷re τal²■an kurallar²n denetleme s²ras²nda τal²■mas²n² sa≡lar.
While checking, show each message as it is downloaded.=Denetleme s²ras²nda gelen iletileri g÷ster.
White / Black List=Beyaz / Kara Liste
White List=Beyaz Liste
Write all rules actions to a log file.~Filename: RULES.LOG in the same directory as PopTray.=Kurallar taraf²ndan yap²lan i■lemleri PopTray ile ayn² klas÷rdeki~RULES.LOG dosyas²na yaz.
X Button Minimizes= x dⁿ≡mesi kⁿτⁿltⁿr
You are trying to delete protected messages.=Korumal² iletileri silmeye τal²■²yorsunuz.